If this is your first time at a lifering meeting then you will find a welcoming, non judgemental relaxed place to share with people who understand.
Group agreement
If we are under the influence of addictive substances we will stay silent, and wait to speak to the convenior after the meeting.
Any advice given will be in the form of what worked for ourselves.
We will use “I” statements, again avoiding “you should”
We will come from a position of empathy
We will agree to make statements with no ill will, and we will make an attempt not to take offense.
We will be aware of other peoples triggers and past trauma and keep to the forefront that we intend no harm for others and will be carefull of what we say to others.
The convenour has the right to warn or remove people who they see are inapropriate or aggressive, rightly or incorrectly.
We will not impose our own views on others.
This meeting is a safe space.
As such you may want to consider using your first name only and alter the displayed name in zoom.
Cameras must be on.
Confidentiality is paramount.
You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to
We generally go round the room and encourage people to talk about :
Last week and how it affected recovery
What is coming up next week and how it might affect recovery
Cross talk is encouraged
Positive, non judgemental feedback is welcome
We avoid the word ‘should’ It is better to say what helped in a similar situation
Stay in the present
We try to keep to last week and next week
We avoid talking about past ‘drunkalogs’
We move forward with positive recovery messages